COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed primarily for students in fisheries and aquaculture disciplines to teach them extension methods available for dissemination of fisheries and aquaculture research findings to the end users. The scope of this course encompasses principles and methods of programme planning, extension need, educational objectives, learning experience, clientele participation plan of work etc. Organizing associations and cooperatives, concepts of evaluation applied to fisheries extension, dissemination of research findings to field workers. Types of cooperatives, importance, formation, functions, rules and accessibility to loan for credit facilities.
The structure of fish muscle, the principal components of fish muscle and factors affecting their composition, major causes of fish spoilage, physical and chemical changes in fish muscle during and after rigor mortis. Techniques of fish preservation and processing; salt curing and fish fermentation, fish drying, fish smoking, chilling of fish, fish freezing, cold storage of fish, fish canning, fish preservation by irradiation, chemical and physical methods of fish quality assessment, organoleptic measurement of fish spoilage, international standards for fisheries products.
Understanding of genetics, as the biological basis of heredity and variation among organisms, has expands the knowledge of applications of genetics and genome technologies in agricultural practices. In aquaculture settings, current genetic improvement programs focus on selecting superior broodstocks, using better breeding practices, increasing sustainability, and minimizing environmental problems. We will examine the role that genetic approaches play in meeting these goal. The class will start by examining the underlying principles relevant to reproduction and reproductive cycles in bony and cartilaginous fishes; Principles of hybridization and polyploidy in fish. The concept of gametogenesis in fish will also be taught. Monohybrid and dihybrid inheritances and cytological bases of inheritance will be covered. Probability and Goodness of fit. Linkage, crossing-over and genetic mapping of chromosomes. Polygenic inheritance, Sex determination, and inheritance related to sex in ornamental fishes will also be learnt. Identification of genetic material and protein synthesis code, principal and practical systematic, nomenclature and identification of fish will be covered.
This course is a fisheries management course. However, it helps the students in understanding the factors that affects fish population, and relevant population control measures. Population dynamics gives the students an indept knowledge of fish population. The capturing effects on fish population movement are critically looked into. The students have to understand the causes of migration, immigration and emigration in fish.
This course is designed mainly for students in Fisheries and Aquaculture. The course provides applied training on aquaculture engineering. This course will impart valuable skill to the students in order to enhance their hands-on fish farm engineering. Topics to be covered include. Hydrological information for design and operation of aquaculture systems. Soil engineering for designs of ponds, canals and dams. Design and construction of fish farms, hydraulic formulas used in designing fish farms, maintenance of aquafarms. Pond construction engineering, design and construction of fish cages, tanks, and other impounding structures, classification and design of different types of water pumps, types of aeration and filtration devices, their design and construction. Waste management techniques in aquaculture production, biofiltration system, type of aerators, degassing etc. Water Recirculating systems and aquaponics.
Supervised study on identified problems, requiring both oral and written presentation. Students must attend tutorials on research techniques and scientific writing as well as oral presentation relating to students project in the Department. Project reports are to be submitted by the students at the end of the project. The reports shall be orally examined and graded by a panel of examiners headed by an External Examiner.
This course is pre-requisite to dynamical oceanography for students of meteorology. Here, adequate knowledge of basic properties of oceans is introduced to help student have basic understanding of factors that determines behaviour and structures associated with different types of ocean. However, it also meets the need of students in other fields, such as students from department of Fisheries and Aquaculture as a course that provides adequate and useful insight into oceanographic phenomenon that affects diverse operations and activities related to the ocean and marine environment. Topics to be covered include; major ocean currents; characteristics, similarities and connection with atmospheric general circulation, Stratification in the Oceans, Global Ocean Phenomenon (El Nino, La Nina, Southern Oscillation, Upwelling), Water masses, Oceanic gyres, eddies and fronts, thermoclines, internal waves, Ocean convection, ocean pollution, Instrumentation, Oceanographic forecasting.
Fisheries Business and Trade is a course that will further broaden the students knowledge on the principles of Fish Business Ownership and organisation, Purpose of fish Business, Starting fish Business, Legal Structure of fish Business, Business Ethics in fisheries, Basic Management Functions (Planning , Organizing, Implementation and Control ), Time and Stress Management, risk management, Desirable Qualities for Successful fish Business Management, financial management (The Balance Sheet, Financial Statement Preparation, Financial Analysis, Preparing Budgets, Financing Alternatives and Business Valuation in fisheries and aquaculture), Business Environments (Human Environments, Economic Environments, Government Environments, Global Environments, Trade Environments, Ethical Environments), e-Business partnerships, International fisheries and Trade.
Oral preparation of reviewed papers on specific topics of important to Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology by the 500 level students. Students shall be assessed by panel of departmental academic staff during oral presentation and the write-up shall also be assessed.
This course is a fisheries management course. It helps the students in understanding reasons for fishery policy and administration; consider the different fisheries legislation in Nigeria, national laws regarding aquatic resource management and its relevance to fisheries. The administrative structure of fisheries management in Nigeria. Problems of fisheries conservation in Nigeria and international laws. Fisheries institution, conservation strategies and laws of the sea. The different rolling plans and their contents
This course is a follow up on FAT 411; Production and Marketing of other marine products – Molluscs. It involves Mariculture and Aquaculture of shellfish. FAT 504 is on Crustacean production. The course synopses is as follows; Production and management of decapods. Reproductive biology, pathology, endocrinology. Production of tropical shrimp and prawn species; culture of commercially important crustaceans. Penaeid shrimp culture, freshwater Macrobrachium culture, marine and freshwater crab culture. Extensive, semi-intensive and intensive techniques. Harvesting and marketing of portunid crabs, lobsters and crayfish. Crustacean health, pests and diseases The course is to expose student to the act of farming crustacean for food security. This will lead to job creation among the youths, generation of fund, the products can be exported, to generate foreign exchange. However, it also meets the need of students, as students would be able to collect, and transport crustacean from the wild to the laboratory, stock them in to concrete and earthen ponds. They will prepare feed and rear them up to marketable sizes. The various ways of processing and storing these animals shall be examined.
This course is designed mainly for students in Fisheries, Aquaculture and related disciplines. The course provides applied training on the production and cultivation of fish seeds (fry, fingerlings and juveniles). This course will impart valuable skill to the students in order to enhance their hands-on production of fish seeds for aquaculture. Topics to be covered include Fish seed production in aquaculture, artificial propagation, selection, rearing and management of broodfish, induced spawning of cultivated fish species in Nigeria. Hormone administration, artificial fertilization, incubation and hatching of eggs. Techniques of larval rearing of fry and fingerlings. Site selection, hatchery equipment and support facilities. Design, maintenance, construction and management techniques of indoor and outdoor hatcheries. Diseases management in fish hatcheries, transportation of fish seeds. Sales and economics of fish seed production, organizing, planning and record keeping in fish hatcheries.
This course is aquatic resources biodiversity. It will help the students in know the diverse aquatic resources of Nigeria; understand current status of Nigerian aquatic resource biodiversity, ecosystem diversity and characterization. Students will be able to discuss the goals, vision, obstacles and threats to biodiversity conservation in Nigeria. Socio-economics and dynamics of aquatic resource diversity exploitation for Nigeria.