Fishries & Aquaculture

FAT 401
Fisheries Management and Conservation
FAT 401 | FAT | 1st Semester |  Download Courseware PDF

Course Synopsis

Fisheries Management and Conservation is a course that will introduce the students to the Management and Conservation aspect of Fisheries. The course synopsis is as follows: Basic concept of fisheries development and management (unexploited, underexploited, overexploited fisheries resources.). Basic and practical objectives of fish management and conservation in Nigeria. Fisheries administration and legislation, problems of enforcing laws. Development and management of lakes, rivers, brackish and marine waters. Traditional methods of fisheries management, administration and conservation in Africa, for example, Taboos, superstition, festivals and the roles of traditional heads. Government policy in fisheries administration and management. Roles and activities of federal, state and local governments in fisheries development and management in Nigeria.

FAT 403
Fisheries Economics and Marketing
FAT 403 | FAT | 1st Semester |  Download Courseware PDF

Course Synopsis

Fisheries Economics and Marketing is a course that will introduce the students to the Economics and Marketing aspect of Fisheries and Aquaculture. The course synopsis is as follows: Economics constraints in fisheries development, free access to fisheries, sustainable yield curve and total revenue curve, bioeconomic equilibrium, factor rents, welfare economic theory and its relevance for fisheries externalities in fisheries capital investment and depreciation of equipment, consumer and consumption patterns, fishery resources and right of ownership, feasibility report writing and assessment reports of fisheries facilities, cost studies in fisheries and aquaculture technology, demand and supply of fish products in Nigeria, traditional and modern methods of marketing fisheries products in Nigeria, capital investment depreciation of equipment and cost of distribution, cooperative organisation, social acceptance of fish among the local communities.

FAT 405
Marine Fisheries Resources
FAT 405 | FAT | 1st Semester |  Download Courseware PDF

Course Synopsis

This course is designed primarily for students in fisheries management; the focus is to impart useful skills on the students in order to broaden their understanding on the marine environment, its physical features and the principal marine fisheries of Nigeria. Topics to be covered include: Plankton resources, primary production, food chain relationships, factors influencing primary and secondary production, benthic and reef fishes, coastal pelagic fishes, oceanic pelagic fishes, demersal fishes, status and trend of major fish resources in the region.

FAT 407
Fishing Gear Technology
FAT 407 | FAT | 1st Semester |  Download Courseware PDF

Course Synopsis

This course is designed primarily for students in fisheries and aquaculture disciplines to teach students on how to manipulate different fishing gears and crafts for exploitation of fisheries resources available in the water bodies. The scope of this course encompasses definition of fishing gear and craft, types of fishing gear and fishing craft, properties of the materials used in the construction of hooks, traps and nets, fishing gear construction materials, netting gear, non-netting gear, twine notation and numbering system. Floats, sinkers and their characteristics and properties. Assessment of efficiency of fishing gear. Design and construction of different types of fishing gear and their maintenance. Concept of fishing gear technology and trends of development

FAT 409
Fish Parasites, Diseases and Control
FAT 409 | FAT | 1st Semester |  Download Courseware PDF

Course Synopsis

COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed primarily for students in fisheries and aquaculture disciplines to teach them identification, morphology, taxonomy, life history of fish parasites. Viral disease: Lymphocystis. bacterial infections, ephitheliocystis, Fungi infections: Saprolegnia and Branchiomyces infection, ectoparasitic protozoa ,endoparasitic protozoa. Trematode worms, cestode worms, nematode worms. Ecological effects of parasite population in water body.

FAT 411
Production and Marketing of Marine Fish Products: Molluscs
FAT 411 | FAT | 1st Semester |  Download Courseware PDF

Course Synopsis

Biology: External and Internal morphology and Anatomy, Systematics, Geographical distribution and Evolution. Reproduction in Mollusk. Community ecology. Life history, genetics of gastropods, bivalves, cephalopods etc. Ecology of larval and early post larval Gastropods and Bivalves and Cephalopods Ecology of Monoplacophora (Neopilina) Polyplacophora (Chitons), Aplacophora (wormlike molluscs). Cultivation and Farming Methods: old and modern methods of molluscs farming Production techniques for Mussels, Oyster, Scallops and Clams. Pearl Production techniques, production level and marketing. Harvesting, utilization and processing of Octopuses, Squids and other Cephalopods. Trade and Marketing of Molluscs products

FAT 413
Statistics and Experimentation in Fisheries
FAT 413 | FAT | 1st Semester |  Download Courseware PDF

Course Synopsis

Statistics and Experimentation in Fisheries is a course that will introduce the students to biometrical concepts in Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology. The course synopsis is as follows: Review of biometrical concepts in agriculture; planning of experiment, analysis of variance, transformation of data, experimental designs such as; completely randomized design, Least Square, missing values, multiple comparison, nested design, factorial experiments, split-sport and spli-spli-plot design; analysis of data from qualitative variables; application of correlation and regression analysis in Fisheries and Aquaculture experiments.

FAT 415
Production and Utilization of Sea Weed and Freshwater Plants
FAT 415 | FAT | 1st Semester |  Download Courseware PDF

Course Synopsis

This course is designed for students in fisheries management; to educate them on the production and utilization of sea weed and freshwater plants. Topics to be covered include: Life histories of edible sea weeds and freshwater plants. Deep sea and shore farming of some plants. Utilization; harvesting techniques, processing, and preservation of sea weeds and freshwater plants. Economic importance of coral reefs. Aquatic weeds of economic importance, identification, propagation and utilization. Factors affecting aquatic weeds, disposal and utilization in the tropics.

FAT 402
Industry Based Supervisor’s Assessment
FAT 402 | FAT | 2nd Semester |

Course Synopsis

This is one of the three components of the Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) where Industry-based Supervisors do assess students’ performance: punctuality to work, commitment and contribution of students to the operations in the industries to which the students are attached. Such assessment is submitted to the Department to form part of the SIWES overall grading.

FAT 404
FUTA Supervisors’ Assessment
FAT 404 | FAT | 2nd Semester |

Course Synopsis

COURSE DESCRIPTION This is the second component of the SIWES overall grading. This is the assessment of the students by the University Supervisors, who visit the students at the places of attachment and evaluate their log book and as well interact with the Industry based Supervisors

FAT 406
Student’s Report and Seminar Presentation
FAT 406 | FAT | 2nd Semester |

Course Synopsis

This is the assessment of the report and evaluation of student’s reports and seminar presentation. The assessment is based on the quality of the write-up and student’s ability to present and defend the report, which shall be graded accordingly.