Fishries & Aquaculture


FAT 201: Introduction to Fisheries and Aquaculture (2 Units)

Principles and problems of production, management and conservation of West African fish resources. Fisheries recreation and amenities. Fisheries park, zoo, sport fishing, marine park. Identification, nomenclature, morphology and evolution of some selected West African fish species. Identification of common aquatic and terrestrial organisms of food value in fisheries. Principles of aquaculture, cultivable fish species in Nigeria.

FAT 200: Swimming Skills (1 Unit)

Basic materials and principles of swimming. Different swimming techniques, Acquisition of skills, Regular swimming practices in freshwater pools and rivers.

FAT 300: Students Works Experience Programme (1 Unit)

FAT 301: Aquatic Ecology (2 Units)

Ecology of fishes with special references to distribution and natural history. Characteristics of the aquatic environment, organic production in aquatic fauna and flora, algal blooms and eutrophication; benthos biomass assessment. Niche concept; habitat studies of fish communities in major aquatic eco-systems of Nigeria. Distributions, structures and dynamics of aquatic ecosystems in tropical Africa. Food interrelationship in fish populations. Fish behaviour, marine fish and invertebrate community and behavioral ecology, energy exchange between habitats through fish invertebrate migrations and use of fish vocal patterns as a tool to study their behavioral ecology and to identify essential fish habitats.

FAT 302 Fish Population Dynamics (2 Units)

Definition of fish stock assessment. Primary objectives of fish stock assessment. The stock concept. Estimation of growth parameters, the von Berthalanffy growth equation. Variabilities and applicabilities of growth parameters. Age/length composition data from a single survey and multiple surveys. Methods for estimation of growth parameters from length at age data. The Gulland and Holt plot. Fishing efforts and catch per unit efforts. Population estimation: age and growth, sex ratio, natality (recruitment) and mortality. Computation of yields from given recruitments.

FAT 303 Limnology and Hydrobiology (2 Units)

Properties of natural and man made lakes. Aquatic chemistry, Transport and exchange process. Thermal properties and stratifications. Physico-chemical properties of fresh, brackish and marine waters, hydrology and water cycle. Identification and study of the characteristics fauna and flora of importance in tropical freshwater and coastal swamps. Ecology, utilization and management of aquatic fauna and flora. Control of aquatic weeds.

FAT 304 Fish and Shellfish Nutrition (2 Units)

Principles of fish nutrition. Feeding methods, factors affecting nutritive value of feeds. Nutrient requirement of fish and shrimps. Natural and artificial feeds, supplementary feeds, concentrates, purified, semi-purified and practical diets. Conventional and non-conventional sources of feedstuffs. Processing of fish feeds. Toasting, autoclaving, extrusion and pelleting. Use of plant and animal wastes in fish feeds and other products as substitutes in fish diet. Importance of fish meal in fish feeds and development of alternatives to fishmeal and fish oil. Factors affecting fish growth and importance of anti-nutritional factors.

FAT 305 Fish Taxonomy and Biology (2 Units)

Principles of systematics. Phylo-genetic relationships. Taxonomy and detailed study of major commercial fish species in Nigeria’s inland, estuarine and marine waters. Identification of fish species using keys and monographs. Morphology of bony and cartilaginous fishes. Respiration, Reproduction, excretion, osmoregulation, food and feeding habits, circulatory and nervous systems.

FAT 306 Fish Farming Techniques (2 Units)

Definition and types of aquaculture practices Importance of aquaculture. Fish culture methods, their merits and demerits. Integrated fish culture. History and status of aquaculture in Nigeria. Site selection and selection of fish for aquaculture. Water recirculation system and other enclosures for fish culture. Principles and methods of stocking, feeding, liming and fertilization. Introduction of exotic species and their implications. Water quality requirements. Types and application of organic and inorganic fertilizers. Harvesting practices.

FAT 307 Pond Construction and Maintenance (2 Units)

Site selection and survey. Design and construction of earthen production, breeding, nursery ponds. Fish pond accessories - spillway, monks, water inlet, monk boards and screen. Construction of other fish culture enclosures (concrete tanks, cages, pens, raceways). Construction of simple hatchery units, drainage facilities, flow-through system for fish production. Maintenance of ponds, channels and drainage facilities. Fish farm design and facilities.

FAT 308 Water Quality and Aquatic Toxicology (2 Units)

Physical properties of water bodies; water chemistry, nutrient cycles and aquatic productivity; sampling methods and analyses. Effects of pesticides and industrial contaminants on fish, crustaceans and molluscs within Nigeria coastal waters. Ecological toxicology, responses of aquatic species to excess nutrients, diseases and chemical stressors Pollution and its effects on aquatic life, ecological characteristics of polluted waters and methods for maintaining and improving water quality (chemical, mechanical, biological). Fate and biomagnifications of micropollutant, Nutrient behaviour, phytoplankton and algal nuisance.

FAT 309 Fish Feed Technology (2 Units)

Nutrients sources, types of feedstuffs/ingredients and their chemical compositions. Feed supplements and concentrates. Classification of foods, feedstuffs for aquafeeds. Chemistry and nutritive values of foods, feedstuffs and fish supplements. Methods of aquafeed formulation, preparation and properties. Pelleting, extrusion and physical and biological evaluation improvement. Processing techniques involved in aquafeed formulation. Components of a feed mill. Packaging and storage of aquafeeds.

FAT 310 Fish Breeding and Larval Food Production (2 Units)

Introduction to fish breeding and larval cultivation of fin fish and shellfish.Importance of live food production. Production methods and environmental conditions for cultivating marine and freshwater finfish and shellfish larval. Principles and practices of larval food production; plankton aquaculture - Chlorophycota, Bacillarioppyta, Cyanophycota, Rhodophyta, Chrysophta. Rotifer, copepods and micro algae culture parameters, production level reliability. Cost reduction and ongoing development on commercial scale production of live feeds for larvae of finfish and shellfish. Preparation, culture and feeding of algae, rotifers and brine shrimp artemia. Artemia biology and ecology applications in aquaculture. Intensive cultivation of artemia.

FAT 311 Fish Physiology and Behaviour (2 Units)

Fish growth and development. Determination of growth and age using spines, scales, otoliths, opercula, bones, and carbon dating. Reproduction and factors affecting both growth and reproduction in fish. Growth and reproduction in shell fish and their measurements. Different shapes and designs of fish in relation to aquatic environment. Natural environmental adaptation and physiological basis for navigation, migration, respiration, reproduction, feeding, temperature, salinity and light.

FAT 312 Ornamental and Recreational Fisheries (2 Units)

Identification, management and nutrition of ornamental fishes; design, construction and maintenance of fountains, aquaria and ponds for ornamental fishes. Culture and breeding of aquarium fishes. Aquarium fish trade, sport fishing in recreation and tourism. Management techniques and daily routine operations in the culture of ornamental and recreation fisheries. Economic importance of ornamental and sport fishes, especially tropical fish species.

FAT 313 Fish and Fishery Products (2 Units)

a) Fishery Zones; Inland fishery zones (freshwater - floodplain, rivers, lakes), coastal and brackish water fishery and marine fishery zones.

b) Fishing: inland fishing, marine fishing (offshore fishing, inshore fishing, coastal fishing and offshore fishing).

c) Fishery product processing (frozen products, dried products, smoke-dried products, canned products, fish sausage or cake, fish meal, fish egg or jam, fish oil, flavourants, algae products (agar); crafts (pearl production).

d) Fishery product trade.

PMT301 Introduction to Entrepreneurship (2 Units)

Introduction to entrepreneurship and new creation, entrepreneurship in theory and practical, the opportunity, forms of business, staffing, marketing and the new venture, determination of practical requirement, raising capital cost, financial planning and management, starting a new business, innovation, legal responsibility, insurance and environmental consideration.

PMT302 Practical Skills in Entrepreneurship (3 Units)

Workshop or seminar to prepare student’ mindset on enterprise attachment. Types of Enterprise-Agro-based skills, Arts and Craft, Building services. Construction work, Prepare of appliances, Electrical services, Food processing, Manufacturing, auto maintenance, workshop, hospitality management.

FAT 314 Fish Biochemistry (2 Units)

Fish physiology, their composition and food value, water metabolism, chemistry and metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, hormones, vitamins, minerals and antibiotics, energy transfer systems, general enzyme systems, general cell molecular biology to include membrane, processes, Biochemistry of Fish organs, tissues and cells, structure of organs, tissues, cells and organelles related to their functions, osmotic, ionic, respiratory and excretory homeostasis, nerve and muscle physiology; endocrinology biochemistry of growth maintenance and reproduction, endocrine chemistry and biochemistry. Biochemical and physiological effects of toxicants.

FAT 316 Practical Field Trip (2 Units)

Students at 300 level go for two (2) weeks training at Fisheries and Aquaculture establishments to acquaint themselves with the operation methods in fish farms. Students are to write and submit Technical report at the end of the field trip for assessment by the panel of academic staff in the Department.

FAT 401 Fisheries Management and Conservation (2 Units)

Basic concept of fisheries development and management (unexploited, underexploited, overexploited fisheries resources). Basic and practical objectives of fish management and conservation in Nigeria. Fisheries administration and legislation: problems of enforcing laws. Development and management of lakes, rivers, brackish and marine waters. Traditional methods of fisheries management, administration and conservation in Africa e.g. taboos, superstition, festivals and the roles of traditional heads. Government policy in fisheries administration and management. Roles and activities of federal, state and local governments in fisheries development and management in Nigeria.

FAT 402, 404 and 406 Students Industrial Work Experience (SIWES) (12 Units)

FAT 402 - Industry-based Supervisors’ Assessment of Students Performance (4 Units)

This is one of the three components of the Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) where Industry-based Supervisors do assess students’ performance: punctuality to work, commitment and contribution of student to the operations in the industries to which the students are attached. Such assessment is submitted to the Department to form part of the SIWES overall grading.

FAT 404 - FUTA Supervisors’ Assessment (4 Units)

This is the second component of the SIWES overall grading. This is the assessment of the students by the University Supervisors, who visit the students at the places of attachment and evaluate their logbook and as well interact with the Industry based Supervisors.

FAT 406 - Student’s Report and Seminar Presentation (4 Units)

This is the assessment of the report and evaluation of student’s reports and seminar presentation. The assessment is based on the quality of the write-up and student’s ability to present and defend the report, which shall be graded accordingly.

FAT 403 Fisheries Economics (2 Units)

Economic constraints in fisheries development; free access to fishery, sustainable yield curve and total revenue curve. Bionomic equilibrium, factor rents, welfare economic theory and its relevance for fisheries externalities in fisheries capital investment and depreciation of equipment; consumer and consumption patterns; fishery resources and right of ownership. Feasibility reports writing and assessment reports of fishery facilities. Cost studies in Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology. Demand and Supply of fish products in Nigeria. Traditional and modern methods of marketing fisheries products in Nigeria. Capital Investment depreciation of equipment and cots of distribution. Cooperative organizations. Social acceptances of fish among the local communities.

FAT 405 Marine Fisheries Resources (2 Units)

Marine environment and its physical features. Ocean basins and its distribution, Fauna distribution along the various ecological zones. Plankton resources, primary production, food chain relationships. Factors influencing primary and secondary production. Principal marine fisheries of Nigeria. Benthic and reef fishes, coastal pelagic fishes, oceanic pelagic fishes, demersal fishes. Status and trends of major fish resources in the region. Sharks, turtles, marine birds, marine mammals. EEZ policy and fish production.

FAT 407 Fishing Gear Technology (3 Units)

Definition of fishing gear and craft. Concept of fishing gear technology and trends of development. Classification of fishing activities and gears. Types of fishing gear and fishing craft, properties of the material used in the construction of hooks, traps and nets. Fishing gear construction materials, netting gear, non-netting gear, twine notation and numbering system. Floats, sinkers and their characteristics and properties. Assessment of efficiency of fishing gear. Design and construction of different types of fishing gear and their maintenance.

FAT 409 Fish Parasites, Diseases and Control (2 Units)

Identification, morphology, taxonomy, life history of fish parasites. Viral disease: Lymphocystis; bacterial infections, ephitheliocystis, fungal infections: Saprolegnia and Branchiomyces infection. Ecto-parasitic protozoa, endo-parasitic protozoa. Trematode worms, cestode worms, nematode worms. Ecological effects of parasite population in water body

FAT 411 Production and Marketing of Marine Fish Products (2 Units)

Mollusk culture; biology, systematics, evolution and reproduction. Life history, genetics of gastropods, bivalves, cephalopods etc. Production techniques of oysters, pearl, production techniques for mussels, scallops, clams and abalones. Systematics, evolution, ecology of larval and early post larval gastropods, cephalopods, community ecology, cultivation and farming. Harvesting, utilization, processing and marketing of octopuses, squids and Nautilus etc.

FAT 413 Statistics and Experimentation in Fisheries (3 Units)

Review of biometrical concepts in agriculture: planning of experiment: analysis of variance: transformation of data; experimental designs such as completely randomized design. Least square, missing values, multiple comparisons, nested designs, factorial experiments. Split-spot and split-split-plot designs; analysis of data from qualitative variables; application of correlation and regression analyses in agricultural experiments.

FAT 415 Production and Utilization of Sea Weed and Freshwater Plants (2 Units)

Ecology, life histories of edible sea weeds and freshwater plants. Deep sea and shore farming of some plants. Utilization; harvesting techniques, processing, and preservation of sea weeds and freshwater plants. Economic importance of coral reefs. Aquatic weeds of economic importance, identification, propagation and utilization. Factors affecting aquatic weeds, disposal and utilization in the tropics.

FAT 500 Seminar (2 Units)

Oral preparation of reviewed papers on specific topics of important to Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology by the 500 level students. Students shall be assessed by panel of departmental academic staff during oral presentation and the write-up shall also be assessed.

FAT 501 Fisheries Extension and Cooperatives (2 Units)

Principles and methods of programme planning, extension need educational objectives, learning experience, clientele participation plan of work etc. organizing associations and cooperatives, concepts of evaluation applied to fisheries and wildlife extension, dissemination of research findings to field workers. Types of cooperatives, importance, formation, functions, rules and accessibility to loan for credit facilities.

FAT 502 Fisheries Policy and Administration (2 Units)

Fisheries legislation in Nigeria. National laws regarding aquatic resources management. National and state Policies on fisheries planning and use. Administrative structure of fisheries management in Nigeria. Problems of fisheries conservation in Nigeria. Fisheries institutions, conservation strategies, fisheries policy and laws of Nigeria. International laws. Laws of the sea – maritime zones of high seas, legal regime of marine environment protection and scientific research.

FAT 503 Post Harvest Technology (3 Units)

The structure of fish muscle, the principal components of fish muscle and factors affecting their composition, major causes of fish spoilage, physical and chemical changes in fish muscle during and after rigor mortis. Techniques of fish preservation and processing; salt curing and fish fermentation, fish drying, fish smoking, chilling of fish, fish freezing, cold storage of fish, fish canning, fish preservation by irradiation, chemical and physical methods of fish quality assessment, organoleptic measurement of fish spoilage, international standards for fisheries products.

FAT 504 Crustacean Culture (3 Units)

Production and management of decapods. Reproductive biology, pathology, endocrinology. Production of tropical shrimp and prawn species; culture of commercially important crustaceans. Penaeid shrimp culture, freshwater shrimp culture, marine and freshwater crab culture. Extensive, semi-intensive and intensive techniques. Harvesting and marketing of portunid crabs, lobsters and crayfish. Crustacean health, pests and diseases.

FAT 505 Fish Genetics (2 Units)

Types of reproduction and reproductive cycles in bony and cartilaginous fishes. Principles of hybridization and polyploidy in fish. Gametogenesis. Monohybrid and dihybrid inheritances. Cytological bases of inheritance. Probability and goodness of fit. Linkage, crossing-over and genetic mapping of chromosomes. Polygenic inheritance. Sex determination, inheritance related to sex in ornamental fishes. Identification of genetic material. Protein synthesis code. Principal and practical systematic, nomenclature and identification.

FAT 506 Fish Breeding and Larviculture (3 Units)

Fish seed production in aquaculture, artificial propagation, selection, rearing and management of brood fish, induced spawning of cultivated fish species in Nigeria. Hormone administration, artificial fertilization, incubation and hatching of eggs. Techniques of larval rearing of fry and fingerlings. Site selection, monitoring of fish seeds, Hatchery equipment and support facilities. Design, maintenance, construction and management techniques of indoor and outdoor hatcheries. Diseases management in fish hatcheries, transportation of fish seeds. Sales and economics of fish seed production, organizing, planning and record keeping in fish hatcheries, larva cultivation of tropical marine and freshwater fishes.

FAT 508 Aquatic Resources Biodiversity (2 Units)

Definition and need for aquatic resource biodiversity protection in Nigeria. Goals, vision, obstacles and threats to biodiversity conservation. Use and management of biodiversity, genetic and species diversity. Current status of Nigerian aquatic resource biodiversity. Aquatic ecosystem diversity and characterization, ecological niches, parity profile. Impact assessment and minimizing adverse impacts. Socio-economics and dynamics of aquatic resource diversity exploitation strategies for Nigeria.

FAT 509 Population Regulation in Fisheries Management (2 Units)

Population dynamics, factors affecting fish population, single and multiple fish species. Population control methods in aquaculture; mechanical, biological and chemical control of fish population. Management practices for regulating fish population. Density dependent and density independent factors in fish population regulation, fishing, and capturing effects on fish population movement, cropping, sport fishing and hunting as methods of fish population regulation, causes of migration, emigration and immigration in fish. Territorial behaviour and aggression in fish.

FAT 510 Fisheries Business and Trade (2 Units)

Purpose of fish business, Starting fish business, Legal structure of fish business, Business ethics in fisheries, Basic management functions (Planning, Organising, Implementation and control), Time and stress management, risk management, Desirable qualities for successful fish business management, financial management ( The balance sheet, financial statement preparation, financial analysis, preparing budgets. Financing alternatives and business valuation in fisheries and aquaculture), business environment (human environments, economic environments, government environments, global environments, Trade environments, ethical environments), eBusiness partnerships, International Fisheries and trade.

FAT 511 Aquaculture Engineering (3 Units)

Hydrological information for design and operation of aquaculture systems. Soil; engineering for designs of ponds, canals and dams. Design and construction of fish farms, hydraulic formulas used in designing fish farms, maintenance of fish farms. Pond construction engineering, design and construction of fish cages, tanks, and other impounding structures, classification and design of different types of water pumps, types of aeration and filtration devices, their design and construction. Waste management techniques in aquaculture production, biofiltration system, type of aerators, degassing etc. Water recirculation systems and aquaponics

FAT 599 Final Year Student’s Project (6 Units)

Supervised study on identified problems, requiring both oral and written presentation. Students must attend tutorials on research techniques and scientific writing as well as oral presentation relating to students project in the Department. Project reports are to be submitted by the students at the end of the project. The reports shall be orally examined and graded by a panel of examiners headed by an External Examiner.